Page 36 - bpk_brill
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  HSS B7 드릴 인서트 절삭데이타               DRILL INSERTS (METRIC)-HIGH SPEED STEEL

(HSS B7 DRILL INSERT CUTTING DATA)  MATERIAL                                 HSS         SPEED 절삭속도 (M/min)                     FEED(mm/rev)
                                       피삭재                                  GRADE
                                                                  HARDNESS                Tin TiCN TiALN øø91.25.~5  øø1137.~5  øø1284~   øø2355~  øø3467~  øø4685~  øø61614~
                                                                                           61 85 79 0.18             0.25       0.33      0.41      0.51    0.58      0.71
                                        Free Machining Steel      100-150      M4          55 79 72 0.18             0.25       0.33      0.41      0.51    0.59      0.71
                                                    연강            150-200      M4          49 73 64 0.15             0.25       0.33      0.41      0.51    0.58      0.71
                                                                  200-250      M4          52 76 67 0.15             0.23       0.30      0.38     0.48     0.58     0.69
                                          1118,1215,12L14,etc      85-125      M4          49 73 64 0.15             0.23       0.30      0.38     0.48     0.58     0.69
                                           Low Cabon Steel        125-175      M4          46 69 59 0.13             0.20       0.25      0.36     0.46      0.53     0.61
                                                                  175-225      M4          43 64 55 0.13             0.20       0.25      0.36     0.46      0.53     0.61
                                                 저탄소강             225-275      M4          49 73 64 0.15             0.23       0.30      0.38     0.48     0.58     0.69
                                            1010,1020,1025,       125-175      M4          46 69 59 0.13             0.20       0.25      0.36     0.46      0.53     0.61
                                                                  175-225      M4          43 64 55 0.13             0.20       0.25      0.36     0.46      0.53     0.61
                                              1522,1144,etc       225-275      M4         40 59 52 0.10              0.18       0.23      0.30      0.41    0.48     0.56
                                        Medium Carbon Steel       275-325   T15,M48        43 61 55 0.15             0.25       0.30      0.36      0.13     0.53    0.66
                                                                  100-150      M4          37 52 47 0.13             0.23       0.25      0.30      0.41    0.48      0.61
                                                 중탄소강             150-250      M4         30 43 40 0.10              0.20       0.23      0.25     0.36      0.43     0.51
                                         1030,1040,1050,1527      250-350   T15,M48        52 76 67 0.18             0.30        0.41     0.51     0.61     0.69      0.76
                                                                  120-150      M4          46 69 59 0.15             0.28       0.36      0.46     0.56     0.64      0.71
                                              1140,1151,ect       150-200      M4         40 59 52 0.15              0.23       0.30      0.41     0.46      0.53     0.61
                                            Structural Steel      200-220      M4          34 50 44 0.13             0.18       0.23      0.30     0.36      0.43     0.51
                                                                  220-260   T15,M48        27 41 37 0.10             0.15       0.18      0.23     0.30     0.36      0.41
                                                 구조용강             260-320   T15,M48        46 64 59 0.15             0.20       0.25      0.36     0.43     0.48     0.56
                                          A36,A285,A516,ect       125-175      M4          43 59 55 0.13             0.20       0.25      0.36     0.43     0.48     0.56
                                                                  175-225      M4         40 55 52 0.13              0.18       0.25      0.36     0.43     0.48     0.56
                                          Cast Iron/S,G Iron      225-275      M4          37 52 47 0.10             0.15       0.23      0.30     0.38      0.43     0.51
                                               주철/덕타일             275-325   T15,M48        34 47 44 0.08             0.15       0.23      0.30     0.38      0.43     0.51
                                                                  325-375   T15,M48        24 34 32 0.10             0.15       0.20      0.25     0.30     0.38     0.43
                                         A48-76,GR30/GR45,        150-200     T15          18 27 26 0.10             0.15       0.20      0.25     0.30     0.38     0.43
                                           A536-72,A22-76         200-250   T15,M48        8 11 9 0.08               0.15       0.18      0.20     0.25     0.30
                                                                  220-310     M48          24 34 30 0.13                                                                -
                                               Alloy Steel        225-300   T15,M48        18 26 24 0.10             0.18       0.23      0.25     0.36      0.43
                                                   합금강            300-350   T15,M48        15 21 20 0.08             0.18       0.23      0.25     0.36      0.43     0.51
                                                                  350-400     M48         183 259 229 0.20           0.15       0.20      0.23     0.30     0.38      0.51
                                          4140,5140,8640,etc                   M4          91 137 122 0.20           0.33        0.41     0.51     0.56     0.64     0.46
                                                                     30        M4          23 32 29 0.08             0.33        0.41     0.51     0.56      0.67    0.64
                                           Tool Steel 공구강            180    T15,M48        18 27 24 0.08             0.18       0.20      0.25     0.36      0.41    0.64
                                    H-13,H-21,A-4,O-2,S-3,etc     185-275   T15,M48        23 32 29 0.08                                                             0.46
                                    High Temp.Alloy 내열 합금강        275-350                  18 27 24 0.08             0.15       0.18      0.20     0.30     0.30
                                    Hastelloy B,Inconel 600, etc            T15,M48                                                                                   0.41
                                                                  135-185   T15,M48                                  0.18       0.20      0.25     0.36      0.41
                                          High Strengh Alloy      185-275                                            0.15       0.18      0.20     0.30     0.36      0.51
                                              고경도 합금강                                                                                                                0.46

                                        4340,4330V,300M, etc
                                         Aluminium 알루미늄
                                          2014,6061,7075, etc

                                     Stainledd Steet 400 Series

                                     Stainledd Steet 300 Series


                                    인서트의 외경이 드릴 몸통부위 보다 최소0.3mm(0.012)이상 커야 함.                        RPM = Revolution per minute (rev/min)
                                    Check that the insert outer diameter is a minimum 0.3mm(0.012″)   M/mm = Surface meter per minute (M/min)
                                    larger than the holder body diameter.                             DIA = Diameter of drill (mm)
                                                                                                      mm/rev = Feed rate (mm/rev)

                                    HSS Grade=M4=HSS M4, T15=Super HSS T15,

                                    M48=Premium HSS M48                                               Deep Hole Drill in Speed & Feed Adujstment

                                    상기표의 추천 Speed와 Feed는 이상적인 조건이며 장비의 상태와 작업

38                                   여건에 따라 Speed와 Feed는 줄여서 작업을 하십시오.                                Holder                    Extended  Long      XL               3XL
                                    “The recommendations for speeds, feeds and other parameters       Speed                        0.90   0.85     0.80              0.75
                                                                                                      Feed                           -    0.95     0.90              0.90
                                    presented in this chart are nominal recommendations and shold

                                    be condidered only as good starting points.”

                                    초기 작업시 Speed는 약20%, Feed는 약10%줄여서 자업조건을 설정

                                    하시기를 바랍니다.                                                         Recommended Speed and Feed Example :
                                                                                                      “If recommended speed and feeed is 30M/min and 0.50mm/rev
                                    When initial operation, speed and feed reductions (20% reduction
                                                                                                       for a standard length holder, then the speed and feed using a
                                    in speed and 10% reduction in feed)are recommended.                3XL holder in the sam application would be 22.5M/min and
                                    Formulas =           (RPM)×(π)×(DIA)
                                                                 1000                                  ex)30×0.75 = 22.5m/min, 0.50×0.90 = 0.45mm/rev

                                    mm/min = (RPM)×(mm/rev)

                                    RPM =                3.1415×(M/min)

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